Monday, March 25, 2013

Our Vanderbilt Odyssey Calendar

Merriam-Definition of ODYSSEY

1: a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune

2: an intellectual or spiritual wandering or quest

My brother, Steve, came up with a great name for this journey that we are on. He called it Our Vanderbilt Odyssey. I think either Webster's definitions would be appropriate for this journey that we have been on since we first found out that May Jo had Mantle Cell Lymphoma on October 16, 2009.


D-25  Pre-admit and Cold & Flu test
D-24  Line placement (fasting) 
D-23  Dressing change
D-22  Neupogen shot  
D-21  Neupogen shot
D-20  Neupogen shot 
D-19  AM Labs, Neupogen shot & possible stem cell collection
          PM Mozobil injection
D-18  AM Neupogen shot & stem cell  collection
           PM  Mozobil injection  
D-17  Possible stem cell collection
D-16 through D-8  Off
D-7  Pre-admit, visit, & PET scan
D-6  All day Cytoxan & Etoposide Chemo
D-5  All day Cytoxan & Etoposide Chemo
D-4  All day Cytoxan & Etoposide Chemo
D-3  All day Cytoxan & Etoposide Chemo 
D-2  All day BCNU Chemo  
D-1  AM Clinic Visit
D+0  REBIRTH DAY Noon Stem Cell Infusion 
D+1 through D+30 Recovery
D+100  Goal for total recovery

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good schedule to me. Very similar in some ways to mine.
    Neupogen over many days and stem cell collection when CD34+ counts optimal
    but I didn't have Mozobil. I was lucky. The minimum required stem cell
    collection is 2 million and optimum is 5 million. Sometimes that takes 2-3
    collections. But I collected 10 million on the first try. YIPPEE.

    I hope Mary Jo has as fast a recover as I did. I was back to work full time
    2 weeks later and my transplant was in-patient.

    GOOD LUCK MARY JO!!!!!!!!!!!

    Greg Dafoe
    Hamilton, Ontario
    dx 09/98 follicular grade 2, Stage IV
    CHOP X 7, Radiation X 20; 09/98-05/99
    Auto SCT 04/17/2002
